ABC Klinkergruppe
With over 130 years of experience, the product range is based on one of the oldest natural building materials, clay. They have developed a range of building products which include facing bricks and pavers. The finesse and the innovative passion for bricks shape and define the company since 1887.
We produce sustainable natural building materials as environmentally friendly as possible. For this reason, we focus on low energy consumption in production with gentle, efficient use of resources and low material consumption. The natural slate clay of the Tecklenburger Landforms the basic material of our ABC products - a valuable, genuine natural product!
The renaissance of bricks has shown that the brick as a building material has again successfully adapted to the new requirements and tasks of its time - that is why we are already working today on the brick products of tomorrow.
Roofing Distribution UK is proud to be a supplier of the new Nordic clay system for facade and roof.